Leisure Skills in the Community , Individual Programmes & Visual Consultancy

Leisure Skills


 Leisure skills sessions are personalised to suit the needs and interests of each young person with ASC. They are based around communication, choice making, developing hobbies and interests and enjoying health and physical activities.

Leisure skills sessions are usually paired or small group activities with similar peers but are also bookable as 1 to 1 or 2 to 1 sessions depending on the needs of your young person and availability. These are bookable throughout the year and can be morning, afternoon or a full day depending on availability.

Popular activities include arts and crafts, baking, bowling, walking, cinema, swimming, gym, shopping, lunch out and visiting places of interest with friends.

The sessions are bookable throughout the year and available for ages 15 to 25 years.

Individual Programmes of Support

After an initial consultation and risk assessment, a bespoke programme will be planned with the young person’s specific needs in mind.

Visual information and tailored work packs will also be provided as part of these programmes.

Available for young people with ASC aged 15 years plus.


Consultancy with Visual Information Packs –

for parents / carers and professionals

We offer a Visual Consultancy service which suggests strategies, guidance and provides resources for families and professionals supporting young people with ASC.

This includes our visual information packs covering a wide range of environments and situations.

Examples have included:

  • schedules for getting ready in the morning
  • organising the environment for a young person
  • setting up a leisure box to structure activity time
  • making choices in a cafe
  • going to work in a garage
  • going to the dentist, doctors and hairdressers
  • preparing for a family holiday
  • making a snack

Make an appointment with Beyond and we can work with your individual needs to ensure the pack meets

your requirements.